Help Protect Green Lake


All donations help fund the treatment, cleaning and preservation of Green Lake & Little Green Lake

Donate to the Green Lake Association

Making a Donation

No need to be a member of the association.   Donating to the Green Lake association can be as easy and quick as you want it to be.  We pride ourselves on protecting and investing in Green Lake.  We welcome everyone to enjoy the lake and create memories for life.  The donate page was created for the lake users that wanted a place just to support the lake, but did not live on or near the lake.  They may use it every weekend to once a year, but felt donating to support this lakes future was extremely important.   To everyone that donates to the lake, a huge thanks you for all our members.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

The Green Lake Association’s mission is to preserve and protect Green Lake and its surroundings. To enhance the water quality, fishery, boating safety, and aesthetic values of the recreational lake for today and future generations to enjoy.