Presidents Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

Summer is coming to an end and what a summer it has been. It’s hard to remember the last time we had a summer this warm. Usually with such heat there is a drought associated but not this time. There has been a fair amount of moisture which has kept the grass and plantings looking good. The water quality in Green Lake has also been a surprise this summer. The heat and heavy rains are usually a contributor to algae blooms from runoff and accelerated weed growth. The typical dog days of summer green water condition has been minimal and late season weed growth has been much less than last year. Over all the water quality has been very good this summer all things considered. We still have major Milfoil issues in areas of Big and Little Green. This is an ongoing battle and will be addressed aggressively in 2011. Preliminary plans will be to treat more Milfoil than Curly Leaf next season. Milfoil has become the primary invader and must get the most attention. I would suggest that any shoreline owners who do not currently treat their frontage through a commercial applicator consider doing so. This in conjunction with the GLA off shore treatments (150ft out from shore) will help greatly in curbing the spread of Milfoil. There has really been no gain in water level even with the rainfall we have had. Green Lake remains low but not as bad as the surrounding lakes. You could sure tell by the activity on the lake this summer that hot weather naturally draws people to the water. We are very fortunate that even with the issues Green Lake has with invasive species it remains a beautiful relatively clean recreational lake. To maintain this quality it will require participation by all who use the lake. Residents and visitors need to be conscientious not to litter the waters or shorelines and be involved in supporting all efforts to fight invasive weeds such as Milfoil and Curly Pond Leaf. We all have a responsibility to the lake we live on to do what we can to preserver its cleanliness and beauty for current and future generations. The GLA would like to thank past and future supporters of the association and hope you all had a safe and enjoyable summer. See you at our Fall Festival Oct. 9th.

Dan Standish
Green Lake Association President

Meeting Minutes May 2015

May 26, 2015, Rainy spring, 60 degrees and raining as usual, tomorrow 85. Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Connie Mayfield, Dong Schug, Bruce Meyer, Brett Evers No gully washers, the runoff is not too bad so far, just light rain. There was one instance when it was a bit...

Meeting Minutes March 2015

Green Lake Association Meeting March 22, 2015. Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Connie Mayfield, Dong Schug, Bruce Meyer Lake levels are ok so far. Little rain projected until June. DNR got back to Bob on the permits for spraying. We won’t get the Milfoil until later....

Meeting Minutes March 2014

Green Lake Association Meeting Minutes – March 10, 2014 Attendance - Don Shug, Bob Milam, Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Dan Standish, Arnold Nelson, john Thornberg, John Unruh, Kevin Murphy, Kari and Ryan Lynch Memberships – only about a 1/3 of the membership has paid...

GLA Annual Meeting

Title: GLA Annual Meeting Location: Chisago Community Center Description: GLA Annual Meeting: October is membership drive month Start Time: 7:00 pm Date: 2012-09-20

GLA Annual Meeting

Green Lake Association annual meeting. The annual Green Lake Association meeting will be held on Thursday September 20th at 7:00 pm at the Chisago City community center. The meeting is open to the public.


The GLA annual meeting will be held Thursday November 5th at 7 pm at the Community Center.  Dan Standish, our president will recap the GLA season.  There will be guest speakers representing the Minnesota Bow Fishermen and the Lake Improvement District. We also hope to...