Spring has sure been interesting so far. We have had our usual Minnesota weather ups and downs but overall it has been beautiful. Summer is upon us and with it comes much activity on Green Lake. There is good and bad with the increased activity. The good is that we all look forward to the warm weather and getting out on the water. The bad is that with increased boat activity Milfoil is being spread to areas that were not infested in the past. This is especially evident in Little Green. The GLA treated 20 acres in Big and Little Green for Curly Pond Leaf on 5/17. A twenty acre treatment in the south bay of Big Green for Milfoil will be done the first part of June. We are fighting a huge battle with limited resources and funds. Every season brings new trouble areas and the GLA has to pick and choose where the treatments will be for that given season. A couple of seasons ago the predominant problem was Curly Pond Leaf. The association focused it’s treatments on this invasive weed. Since then Eurasian Milfoil has taken over as the biggest threat. This said the 2011 treatment season will see greater areas of Milfoil treated especially in Little Green. Invasive weeds are and have been a very serious threat to the water quality and well being of our lake. Until there is a permanent cure annual battles must be waged against these invaders. Complacency will result in the lake we love
succumbing to the choking effect of these exotic weeds. Even if you do not partake in water activities and live on the lake for its visual beauty, this is also in jeopardy. The solvency of your lake association is paramount in addressing invasive weeds in Green Lake. The GLA is also involved in other activities that positively affect the lake and those who live around it. I am asking that all who are concerned about the well being of Green Lake do the following. Support your lake association by becoming a member, Volunteer to take a board position or committee position, Treat your shoreline frontage. This will help with the fight. If we come together we can hold invasive weeds like Milfoil and Curly Leaf at bay in Green Lake. Let’s do what we can to keep the quality of our lake what we have become accustom to. If you have any questions feel free to call or email me any time. My number is in the back of this news letter. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Dan Standish
GLA President