Meeting Minutes 4/11/16

April 11, 2016, 2016, temp today is 40 and sunny. This weekend is supposed to be in the 70s. Ice out was on March 16 and 17th. We had a hugely windy day that day that really got the ice going. Lake temp is at 42 degrees.

Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Bret Evers, Cheryl Kempenich, Kevin Murphey

Back Bay owners are nervous about putting markers for the channel without DNR and our ok. We are fine with that. Bruce will talk to the person who would do it again. This way they would stay in the channel and keep them safe.

LID is still flowing over the weir. The cattails on Little Green are bent over from so much water. Saturday, Bruce said there was a thin layer of ice on the lake.

There were a ton of pelicans on Big Green. Haven’t seen the geese.

3rd week of June is the estimate for treating Milfoil. On spray day, Byron Moe will take the boat trailer and fix the bunks on it. Because of the budget cuts we will have to spray the Curly leaf with our spray boat. 10th of June we should check to see if it’s ready to spray. If you have a grant from the state you are grandfathered in for the next year as long as you get it in on time. We need to review how much we need to spray and where to spray. We need to ask the DNR how much we can spray in the Back Bay.

Chisago City Council meeting is Tuesday April 26th.  Steve Paquay is speaking on the behalf of the LID.  Steve will be talking about adding “rain gardens” and other approaches to minimize run off into the lakes for the Old Town Road reconstruction. Steve from LID said the City of Chisago did not budget any money for rain gardens for the road construction on Old Town Road for Green Lake. We have no rain gardens as of yet for runoff. LID wants us to go to the City meeting to let them know we need rain gardens.

City Dock, April 30th or the first weekend in May. People are already putting their boats in to fish. If the weir is still flowing the waders will be overflowing when in the water and it will be very cold. Connie will send out a memo through an e-mail. 3-4 needed, 6 max. We have new bolts for easy attachment.

The Little Green boat landing heaved again this year.

If Esmays sell their homes we need someplace to leave the boat.

$530 in membership dues (11 renewals). One volunteer offered support.

Website hasn’t been transferred yet. Links (City, County, DNR, LID, Lakes Coalition, Water testing and septic test for selling, FaceBook, sponsors, other lakes, park trails, etc) Do we need anything password protected? Can we add Donate now, membership form, PayPal. We can post things on the website or Facebook to add updates such as when spraying is happening and other events.

Prep work needs to be done on the spray boat before it is used. Need the tabs, and get the motors all fired up and change oil, make sure the pumps are operational. Transfer pump, automated pump to transfer a 250 gallon tote, this could be purchased instead of the 5 gallon each.

We need certified in chemical spraying because Kevin Hogie is moving and won’t be our chemical cert. Private Pesticide Applicator Certification.  is the web site.

Meeting Minutes – January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018 Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Kevin Murphy, Cheryl Kempenich, Lori Reichert Lori found out it would not be a good idea to become a non-profit. Better to be an association. What should we do with the money in our checking?...

Meeting Minutes – September 6th, 2017

Present: Cheryl Kempenich, Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Bret Evers, Connie Mayfield, Monica Kinny Fishing Pier - Pier is in and people are using it. City is now pushing back on putting a concrete sidewalk to the pier, prefer to just raise the pier up so there is less slope...

Meeting Minutes – July 31, 2017

Green Lake Association Meeting July 31, 2017 – Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Kevin Murphy Lake Management is spraying channels in the Back Bay again for an overgrowth of native weeds. Native plants are taking over the lake this year and...

Meeting Minutes – May 7th, 2017

Green Lake Association Meeting May 7, 2017 . Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Connie Mayfield, Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Bret Evers. Curly Pondleaf spraying went well, in the narrows on Big Green the curly leaf looks good. By the Little Green boat landing it died off....

Green Lake Association Meeting April 11, 2017

It snowed a couple inches yesterday. It is 49 our today and into the 60s for the weekend. Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Kevin Murphy, Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Bret Evers . Newsletter is done. Christine waiting on UPS for an estimate for cost and getting it out....

Meeting Minutes 7/25/16

Green Lake Association Meeting July 25, 2016, temp the past week was in the upper 90, today was beautiful in the mid-80's. We had 3 inches of rain on Saturday. High winds on Thursday morning caused some damage to trees and boat lifts. Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Christine...

Meeting Minutes May 2015

May 26, 2015, Rainy spring, 60 degrees and raining as usual, tomorrow 85. Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Connie Mayfield, Dong Schug, Bruce Meyer, Brett Evers No gully washers, the runoff is not too bad so far, just light rain. There was one instance when it was a bit...